이 문서의 원본 출처는 다음과 같습니다.


C 로 VT100 터미널에 화면을 지우려면 다음과 같은 코딩을 사용합니다.

    #define ASCII_ESC 27
    printf( "%c[2J", ASCII_ESC );


    puts( "\033[2J" );
이와 같이 리눅스 화면 터미널 제어는 ESC 확장 코드를 사용하게 되는데
VT100 의 확장 코드 표는 다음과 같습니다.    
이후에 보는 Esc Code 의 표기중 ^[ 는 ESC 표시 코드를 의미 하며
그 뒤는 그대로 사용하시면 됩니다.
Name                  Description                            Esc Code
setnl LMN             Set new line mode                      ^[[20h
setappl DECCKM        Set cursor key to application          ^[[?1h
setansi DECANM        Set ANSI (versus VT52)                 none
setcol DECCOLM        Set number of columns to 132           ^[[?3h
setsmooth DECSCLM     Set smooth scrolling                   ^[[?4h
setrevscrn DECSCNM    Set reverse video on screen            ^[[?5h
setorgrel DECOM       Set origin to relative                 ^[[?6h
setwrap DECAWM        Set auto-wrap mode                     ^[[?7h
setrep DECARM         Set auto-repeat mode                   ^[[?8h
setinter DECINLM      Set interlacing mode                   ^[[?9h

setlf LMN             Set line feed mode                     ^[[20l
setcursor DECCKM      Set cursor key to cursor               ^[[?1l
setvt52 DECANM        Set VT52 (versus ANSI)                 ^[[?2l
resetcol DECCOLM      Set number of columns to 80            ^[[?3l
setjump DECSCLM       Set jump scrolling                     ^[[?4l
setnormscrn DECSCNM   Set normal video on screen             ^[[?5l
setorgabs DECOM       Set origin to absolute                 ^[[?6l
resetwrap DECAWM      Reset auto-wrap mode                   ^[[?7l
resetrep DECARM       Reset auto-repeat mode                 ^[[?8l
resetinter DECINLM    Reset interlacing mode                 ^[[?9l

altkeypad DECKPAM     Set alternate keypad mode              ^[=
numkeypad DECKPNM     Set numeric keypad mode                ^[>

setukg0               Set United Kingdom G0 character set    ^[(A
setukg1               Set United Kingdom G1 character set    ^[)A
setusg0               Set United States G0 character set     ^[(B
setusg1               Set United States G1 character set     ^[)B
setspecg0             Set G0 special chars. & line set       ^[(0
setspecg1             Set G1 special chars. & line set       ^[)0
setaltg0              Set G0 alternate character ROM         ^[(1
setaltg1              Set G1 alternate character ROM         ^[)1
setaltspecg0          Set G0 alt char ROM and spec. graphics ^[(2
setaltspecg1          Set G1 alt char ROM and spec. graphics ^[)2

setss2 SS2            Set single shift 2                     ^[N
setss3 SS3            Set single shift 3                     ^[O

modesoff SGR0         Turn off character attributes          ^[[m
modesoff SGR0         Turn off character attributes          ^[[0m
bold SGR1             Turn bold mode on                      ^[[1m
lowint SGR2           Turn low intensity mode on             ^[[2m
underline SGR4        Turn underline mode on                 ^[[4m
blink SGR5            Turn blinking mode on                  ^[[5m
reverse SGR7          Turn reverse video on                  ^[[7m
invisible SGR8        Turn invisible text mode on            ^[[8m

setwin DECSTBM        Set top and bottom line#s of a window  ^[[<v>;<v>r

cursorup(n) CUU       Move cursor up n lines                 ^[[<n>A
cursordn(n) CUD       Move cursor down n lines               ^[[<n>B
cursorrt(n) CUF       Move cursor right n lines              ^[[<n>C
cursorlf(n) CUB       Move cursor left n lines               ^[[<n>D
cursorhome            Move cursor to upper left corner       ^[[H
cursorhome            Move cursor to upper left corner       ^[[;H
cursorpos(v,h) CUP    Move cursor to screen location v,h     ^[[<v>;<h>H
hvhome                Move cursor to upper left corner       ^[[f
hvhome                Move cursor to upper left corner       ^[[;f
hvpos(v,h) CUP        Move cursor to screen location v,h     ^[[<v>;<h>f
index IND             Move/scroll window up one line         ^[D
revindex RI           Move/scroll window down one line       ^[M
nextline NEL          Move to next line                      ^[E
savecursor DECSC      Save cursor position and attributes    ^[7
restorecursor DECSC   Restore cursor position and attributes ^[8

tabset HTS            Set a tab at the current column        ^[H
tabclr TBC            Clear a tab at the current column      ^[[g
tabclr TBC            Clear a tab at the current column      ^[[0g
tabclrall TBC         Clear all tabs                         ^[[3g

dhtop DECDHL          Double-height letters, top half        ^[#3
dhbot DECDHL          Double-height letters, bottom half     ^[#4
swsh DECSWL           Single width, single height letters    ^[#5
dwsh DECDWL           Double width, single height letters    ^[#6

cleareol EL0          Clear line from cursor right           ^[[K
cleareol EL0          Clear line from cursor right           ^[[0K
clearbol EL1          Clear line from cursor left            ^[[1K
clearline EL2         Clear entire line                      ^[[2K

cleareos ED0          Clear screen from cursor down          ^[[J
cleareos ED0          Clear screen from cursor down          ^[[0J
clearbos ED1          Clear screen from cursor up            ^[[1J
clearscreen ED2       Clear entire screen                    ^[[2J

devstat DSR           Device status report                   ^[5n
termok DSR               Response: terminal is OK            ^[0n
termnok DSR              Response: terminal is not OK        ^[3n

getcursor DSR         Get cursor position                    ^[6n
cursorpos CPR            Response: cursor is at v,h          ^[<v>;<h>R

ident DA              Identify what terminal type            ^[[c
ident DA              Identify what terminal type (another)  ^[[0c
gettype DA               Response: terminal type code n      ^[[?1;<n>0c

reset RIS             Reset terminal to initial state        ^[c

align DECALN          Screen alignment display               ^[#8
testpu DECTST         Confidence power up test               ^[[2;1y
testlb DECTST         Confidence loopback test               ^[[2;2y
testpurep DECTST      Repeat power up test                   ^[[2;9y
testlbrep DECTST      Repeat loopback test                   ^[[2;10y

ledsoff DECLL0        Turn off all four leds                 ^[[0q
led1 DECLL1           Turn on LED #1                         ^[[1q
led2 DECLL2           Turn on LED #2                         ^[[2q
led3 DECLL3           Turn on LED #3                         ^[[3q
led4 DECLL4           Turn on LED #4                         ^[[4q

#  All codes below are for use in VT52 compatibility mode.

setansi               Enter/exit ANSI mode (VT52)            ^[<

altkeypad             Enter alternate keypad mode            ^[=
numkeypad             Exit alternate keypad mode             ^[>

setgr                 Use special graphics character set     ^[F
resetgr               Use normal US/UK character set         ^[G

cursorup              Move cursor up one line                ^[A
cursordn              Move cursor down one line              ^[B
cursorrt              Move cursor right one char             ^[C
cursorlf              Move cursor left one char              ^[D
cursorhome            Move cursor to upper left corner       ^[H
cursorpos(v,h)        Move cursor to v,h location            ^[<v><h>
revindex              Generate a reverse line-feed           ^[I

cleareol              Erase to end of current line           ^[K
cleareos              Erase to end of screen                 ^[J

ident                 Identify what the terminal is          ^[Z
identresp             Correct response to ident              ^[/Z


# VT100 Special Key Codes
# These are sent from the terminal back to the computer when the
# particular key is pressed.  Note that the numeric keypad keys
# send different codes in numeric mode than in alternate mode.
# See escape codes above to change keypad mode.

# Function Keys:

PF1     ^[OP
PF2     ^[OQ
PF3     ^[OR
PF4     ^[OS

# Arrow Keys:
        Reset    Set
        -----    ---
up      ^[A ^[OA
down        ^[B ^[OB
right       ^[C ^[OC
left        ^[D ^[OD

# Numeric Keypad Keys:

        Keypad Mode
Keypad Key  Numeric Alternate
----------  ------- ---------
0       0   ^[Op
1       1   ^[Oq
2       2   ^[Or
3       3   ^[Os
4       4   ^[Ot
5       5   ^[Ou
6       6   ^[Ov
7       7   ^[Ow
8       8   ^[Ox
9       9   ^[Oy
- (minus)   -   ^[Om
, (comma)   ,   ^[Ol
. (period)  .   ^[On
ENTER       ^M  ^[OM