** $Id: qt/src/kernel/qwsmanager_qws.cpp   2.3.7   edited 2003-06-30 $
** Implementation of Qt/Embedded window manager
** Created : 000101
** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
** licenses for Qt/Embedded may use this file in accordance with the
** Qt Embedded Commercial License Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
**   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
#include "qwsmanager_qws.h"


#include "qdrawutil.h"
#include "qapplication.h"
#include "qaccel.h"
#include "qstyle.h"
#include "qwidget.h"
#include "qpopupmenu.h"
#include "qpainter.h"
#include "qregion.h"
#include "qevent.h"
#include "qcursor.h"
#include "qgfx_qws.h"
#include "qwsdisplay_qws.h"
#include "qwsregionmanager_qws.h"
#include "qwsdefaultdecoration_qws.h"

#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
typedef QCursorShape CursorShape; // keep more source-compatible with qt/main

enum WMStyle {
    Default_WMStyle = 1, /* Starting at zero stuffs up menus */

#include "qwswindowsdecoration_qws.h"
QWSDefaultDecoration *new_Windows_WMDecorations() { return new QWSWindowsDecoration(); }
#include "qwskdedecoration_qws.h"
QWSDefaultDecoration *new_KDE_WMDecorations() { return new QWSKDEDecoration(); }
#include "qwskde2decoration_qws.h"
QWSDefaultDecoration *new_KDE2_WMDecorations() { return new QWSKDE2Decoration(); }
#include "qwsbeosdecoration_qws.h"
QWSDefaultDecoration *new_BeOS_WMDecorations() { return new QWSBeOSDecoration(); }
#include "qwshydrodecoration_qws.h"
QWSDefaultDecoration *new_Hydro_WMDecorations() { return new QWSHydroDecoration(); }

#include "qwsdefaultdecoration_qws.h"
QWSDefaultDecoration *new_Default_WMDecorations() { return new QWSDefaultDecoration(); }

struct WMStyleFactoryItem {
        WMStyle WMStyleType;
        QString WMStyleName;
        QWSDefaultDecoration *(*new_WMDecorations)();
} WMStyleList[] = {
    { Windows_WMStyle, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QWSDecoration", "Windows"), new_Windows_WMDecorations },
    { KDE_WMStyle, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QWSDecoration", "KDE"), new_KDE_WMDecorations },
    { KDE2_WMStyle, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QWSDecoration", "KDE2"), new_KDE2_WMDecorations },
    { BeOS_WMStyle, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QWSDecoration", "BEOS"), new_BeOS_WMDecorations },
    { Hydro_WMStyle, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QWSDecoration", "Hydro"), new_Hydro_WMDecorations },

    { Default_WMStyle, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QWSDecoration", "Default"), new_Default_WMDecorations },
    { Default_WMStyle, NULL, NULL }

QWSDecoration *QWSManager::newDefaultDecoration()
    return new QWSDefaultDecoration;

QWidget *QWSManager::active = 0;
QPoint QWSManager::mousePos;

QWSManager::QWSManager(QWidget *w)
    : QObject(), activeRegion(QWSDecoration::None), managed(w), popup(0)
    dx = 0;
    dy = 0;

    menuBtn = new QWSButton(this, QWSDecoration::Menu);
    closeBtn = new QWSButton(this, QWSDecoration::Close);
    minimizeBtn = new QWSButton(this, QWSDecoration::Minimize);
    maximizeBtn = new QWSButton(this, QWSDecoration::Maximize, TRUE);

    if (popup)
        delete popup;
    delete menuBtn;
    delete closeBtn;
    delete minimizeBtn;
    delete maximizeBtn;


QRegion QWSManager::region()
    return QApplication::qwsDecoration().region(managed, managed->geometry());

QWSDecoration::Region QWSManager::pointInRegion(const QPoint &p)
    QWSDecoration &dec = QApplication::qwsDecoration();
    QRect rect(managed->geometry());

    for (int i = QWSDecoration::LastRegion; i >= QWSDecoration::Title; i--) {
        if (dec.region(managed, rect, (QWSDecoration::Region)i).contains(p))
            return (QWSDecoration::Region)i;

    return QWSDecoration::None;

bool QWSManager::event(QEvent *e)
    if ( QObject::event( e ) )
        return TRUE;

    switch (e->type()) {
        case QEvent::MouseMove:
            mouseMoveEvent( (QMouseEvent*)e );

        case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
            mousePressEvent( (QMouseEvent*)e );

        case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
            mouseReleaseEvent( (QMouseEvent*)e );

        case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
            mouseDoubleClickEvent( (QMouseEvent*)e );

        case QEvent::Paint:
            paintEvent( (QPaintEvent*)e );

            return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

void QWSManager::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
    mousePos = e->globalPos();
    dx = 0;
    dy = 0;
    activeRegion = pointInRegion(mousePos);
    switch (activeRegion) {
        case QWSDecoration::Menu:
        case QWSDecoration::Close:
        case QWSDecoration::Minimize:
        case QWSDecoration::Maximize:
    if ( activeRegion != QWSDecoration::None &&
         activeRegion != QWSDecoration::Menu ) {
        active = managed;
    if ( activeRegion != QWSDecoration::None &&
         activeRegion != QWSDecoration::Close &&
         activeRegion != QWSDecoration::Minimize &&
         activeRegion != QWSDecoration::Menu) {
    if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton) {

void QWSManager::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
    if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
        mousePos = e->globalPos();
        QWSDecoration::Region rgn = pointInRegion(e->globalPos());
        QWSDecoration::Region activatedRegion = activeRegion;
        activeRegion = QWSDecoration::None;
        active = 0;
        switch (activatedRegion) {
            case QWSDecoration::Close:
                if (rgn == QWSDecoration::Close) {
            case QWSDecoration::Minimize:
                if (rgn == QWSDecoration::Minimize)
            case QWSDecoration::Maximize:
                if (rgn == QWSDecoration::Maximize)
    } else if (activeRegion == QWSDecoration::None) {
        active = 0;

void QWSManager::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
    static CursorShape shape[] = { ArrowCursor, ArrowCursor, ArrowCursor,
                            SizeVerCursor, SizeVerCursor, SizeHorCursor,
                            SizeHorCursor, SizeFDiagCursor, SizeBDiagCursor,
                            SizeBDiagCursor, SizeFDiagCursor, ArrowCursor,
                            ArrowCursor, ArrowCursor, ArrowCursor, ArrowCursor};

    // cursor
    QWSDisplay *qwsd = QApplication::desktop()->qwsDisplay();
    if (activeRegion == QWSDecoration::None)
        if ( !QWidget::mouseGrabber() ) {
            QWSDecoration::Region r = pointInRegion(e->globalPos());
            qwsd->selectCursor(managed, shape[r]);
    } else
        qwsd->selectCursor(managed, shape[activeRegion]);
#endif //QT_NO_CURSOR
    // resize/move regions

    // don't allow dragging to where the user probably cannot click!
    QPoint g = e->globalPos();
    extern Q_EXPORT QRect qt_maxWindowRect;
    if ( qt_maxWindowRect.isValid() ) {
        if ( g.x() < qt_maxWindowRect.x() )
        if ( g.y() < qt_maxWindowRect.y() )
        if ( g.x() > qt_maxWindowRect.right() )
        if ( g.y() > qt_maxWindowRect.bottom() )

    dx = g.x() - mousePos.x();
    dy = g.y() - mousePos.y();


    // button regions
    QWSDecoration::Region r = pointInRegion(e->globalPos());
    menuBtn->setMouseOver(r == QWSDecoration::Menu);
    closeBtn->setMouseOver(r == QWSDecoration::Close);
    minimizeBtn->setMouseOver(r == QWSDecoration::Minimize);
    maximizeBtn->setMouseOver(r == QWSDecoration::Maximize);

void QWSManager::handleMove()
    if (!dx && !dy)

    int x = managed->geometry().x();
    int y = managed->geometry().y();
    int w = managed->width();
    int h = managed->height();

    QRect geom(managed->geometry());

    switch (activeRegion) {
        case QWSDecoration::Title:
            geom = QRect(x + dx, y + dy, w, h);
        case QWSDecoration::Top:
            geom = QRect(x, y + dy, w, h - dy);
        case QWSDecoration::Bottom:
            geom = QRect(x, y, w, h + dy);
        case QWSDecoration::Left:
            geom = QRect(x + dx, y, w - dx, h);
        case QWSDecoration::Right:
            geom = QRect(x, y, w + dx, h);
        case QWSDecoration::TopRight:
            geom = QRect(x, y + dy, w + dx, h - dy);
        case QWSDecoration::TopLeft:
            geom = QRect(x + dx, y + dy, w - dx, h - dy);
        case QWSDecoration::BottomLeft:
            geom = QRect(x + dx, y, w - dx, h + dy);
        case QWSDecoration::BottomRight:
            geom = QRect(x, y, w + dx, h + dy);

    if (geom.width() >= managed->minimumWidth()
            && geom.width() <= managed->maximumWidth()) {
        mousePos.setX(mousePos.x() + dx);
    } else if (geom.width() < managed->minimumWidth()) {
        if ( x != geom.x() ) {
            mousePos.setX( geom.x() );
        } else {
            mousePos.setX( x+managed->minimumWidth() );
    } else {
    if (geom.height() >= managed->minimumHeight()
            && geom.height() <= managed->maximumHeight()) {
        mousePos.setY(mousePos.y() + dy);
    } else if (geom.height() < managed->minimumHeight()) {
        if ( y != geom.y() ) {
            mousePos.setY( mousePos.y()+(geom.y()-y) );
        } else {
            mousePos.setY( y+managed->minimumHeight() );
    } else {

    if (geom != managed->geometry()) {

    dx = 0;
    dy = 0;

void QWSManager::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
    QWSDecoration &dec = QApplication::qwsDecoration();
    QPainter painter(managed);

    // Adjust our widget region to contain the window
    // manager decoration instead of the widget itself.
    QRegion r = managed->topData()->decor_allocated_region;
    int rgnIdx = managed->alloc_region_index;
    if ( rgnIdx >= 0 ) {
        QRegion newRegion;
        bool changed = FALSE;
        const int *rgnRev = qt_fbdpy->regionManager()->revision( rgnIdx );
        if ( managed->alloc_region_revision != *rgnRev ) {
             newRegion = qt_fbdpy->regionManager()->region( rgnIdx );
             changed = TRUE;
        painter.internalGfx()->setGlobalRegionIndex( rgnIdx );
        if ( changed ) {
            r &= newRegion;
    painter.internalGfx()->setWidgetDeviceRegion( r );

    painter.setClipRegion(dec.region(managed, managed->rect()));
    dec.paint(&painter, managed);
    painter.setClipRegion(dec.region(managed, managed->rect()));
    dec.paintButton(&painter, managed, QWSDecoration::Menu, menuBtn->state());
    dec.paintButton(&painter, managed, QWSDecoration::Close, closeBtn->state());
    dec.paintButton(&painter, managed, QWSDecoration::Minimize, minimizeBtn->state());
    dec.paintButton(&painter, managed, QWSDecoration::Maximize, maximizeBtn->state());

void QWSManager::menu(const QPoint &pos)
    if (!popup) {
        popup = QApplication::qwsDecoration().menu(managed, managed->pos());

        // Add Style menu
        QPopupMenu *styleMenu = new QPopupMenu();
        for (int i = 0; WMStyleList[i].WMStyleName != NULL; i++)
            styleMenu->insertItem( qApp->translate("QWSDecoration", WMStyleList[i].WMStyleName), WMStyleList[i].WMStyleType );
        styleMenu->connect(styleMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(styleMenuActivated(int)));
//        popup->insertSeparator();
//        popup->insertItem(QObject::tr("Style"), styleMenu);

        connect(popup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(menuActivated(int)));
    popup->setItemEnabled(QWSDecoration::Maximize, !managed->isMaximized());
    popup->setItemEnabled(QWSDecoration::Normalize, managed->isMaximized());

#include <qcdestyle.h>
#include <qcommonstyle.h>
#include <qcompactstyle.h>
#include <qmotifplusstyle.h>
#include <qmotifstyle.h>
#include <qplatinumstyle.h>
#include <qsgistyle.h>
#include <qwindowsstyle.h>

void QWSManager::styleMenuActivated(int id)
    for (int i = 0; WMStyleList[i].WMStyleName != NULL; i++) {
            if (id == WMStyleList[i].WMStyleType) {
            qApp->qwsSetDecoration( WMStyleList[i].new_WMDecorations() );

    // Force a repaint of the WM regions
    const QSize s = managed->size();
    managed->resize( s.width() + 1, s.height() );
    managed->resize( s.width(), s.height() );

void QWSManager::menuActivated(int id)
    switch (id) {
        case QWSDecoration::Close:
        case QWSDecoration::Minimize:
        case QWSDecoration::Maximize:
        case QWSDecoration::Normalize:
        case QWSDecoration::Title:
            mousePos = QCursor::pos();
            activeRegion = QWSDecoration::Title;
            active = managed;
        case QWSDecoration::BottomRight:
            mousePos = QCursor::pos();
            activeRegion = QWSDecoration::BottomRight;
            active = managed;

void QWSManager::close()
    active = 0;

void QWSManager::minimize()

void QWSManager::maximize()

void QWSManager::toggleMaximize()
    if ( !managed->isMaximized() ) {
    } else {

QWSButton::QWSButton(QWSManager *m, QWSDecoration::Region t, bool tb)
    : flags(0), toggle(tb), type(t), manager(m)

void QWSButton::setMouseOver(bool m)
    int s = state();
    if (m) flags |= MouseOver;
    else flags &= ~MouseOver;
    if (state() != s)

void QWSButton::setClicked(bool c)
    int s = state();
    if (c) flags |= Clicked;
    else flags &= ~Clicked;
    if (state() != s)

void QWSButton::setOn(bool o)
    int s = state();
    if (o) flags |= On;
    else flags &= ~On;
    if (state() != s)

void QWSButton::paint()
    QWSDecoration &dec = QApplication::qwsDecoration();
    QPainter painter(manager->widget());
    painter.setClipRegion(dec.region(manager->widget(), manager->widget()->rect()));
    dec.paintButton(&painter, manager->widget(), type, state());


그리고 mk712.c는 제가 pi용 커널 이미지밖에 없어서요...

CD를 잃어버려서...

저번에 전화드렸더니..

zImage.x5.pi-no-ide 커널 이미지와..

ramdisk.x5.pi-12M.gz 램디스크이미지를 메일로 보내주셔서..

어떻게 소스를 볼 방법을 모르겠습니다...

>좌표 출력 메시지를 보면 linux-2.4.19-x5-v07 커널을 사용하셨다면 커널에서 보내는 메세지가 아닙니다.
>커널의 drivers/char/mk712.c 를 확인 해 보세요..
>381     if ( debug_proc )
>382     {
>383         printk( "[%04x:%04x]n", x, y );
>384     }
>mk712.c 소스중 위의 부분에서 메세지를 출력하게 되어 있습니다. 그리고 이 디버깅 메세지의 출력은
>$ echo "1" > /proc/mk712   하셔야만 출력하게 되어 있습니다.
>1. 커널의 mk721.c 소스를 올려 주세요.
>2. QT/E의 qwsmanager_qws.cpp 소스를 올려 주세요.
>올려 주시면 한번 확인 해 보겠습니다.
>그럼 수고하세요..
>>10632번에 질문올린사람인데요..
>>답변이 없으셔서 다시 올립니다..
>>제가 QT/E-2.3.7로 해서 터치패드를 구동했는데요..
>>터치패드는 잘됩니다..
>>하지만 어플리케이션을 띄우면
>>처음에는 예제프로그램 잘 떴다가..
>>커서를 움직이면 검은화면에 좌표값(?)이 뜨면서..
>>예제 프로그램이 다 깨집니다..
>>어떻게 해결해야되는지..ㅜ.ㅜ
>>그리고 제가 구현한 프로그램이 MCU에 시리얼통신으로 신호를
>>보내는 프로그램인데요...
>>미니컴으로 연결해서 실행했는데..
>>커서를 움직일때마다 시리얼로 연결되어 있는 MCU에
>>계속 값을 보내더군요...
>>ON이라는 버튼을 클릭하면 특정신호를 보내는 프로그램인데요...
>>제가 보드 화면 캡쳐 방법을 잘몰라서...
>>디카로 찍어서 사진 올렸습니다..
>>현제 pi보드용 커널 이미지 사용하구 있구요...
>>qt에서 수정한건 강좌에 올라와있는 파일
>>mouse_qws.cpp를 그대로 카피해서 컴파일 한게 다입니다..
>>그리고 게시판답변을 보니...
>>마우스와 터치패드는 같이 못쓴다고 되있던데요...
>>마우스를 안쓸려면 따로 명령어를 넣어줘야하나요??
>>아니면 마우스를 그냥 포트에만 안꽂으면 되는거 아닌가요??
>>보드에서 설정해준 부분입니다..
>>export QTDIR=/app/qt
>>export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/app/qt/lib