  파 일 : s3c2410_timer.c
  설 명 : S3C2410 의 타이머 0 을 사용하여 등록된 함수를 주기적으로 호출한다
  작 성 : 오재경 freefrug@falinux.com
  날 짜 : 2005-12-19
  수 정 : 장형기 tsheaven@falinux.com
  날 짜 : 2007-07-29

  주 의 :
#include <linux/config.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/mm.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/wait.h>
#include <linux/ioport.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>    
#include <linux/poll.h>    
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>

#include <asm/hardware.h>
#include <asm/arch/regs-timer.h>
#include <asm/arch/regs-irq.h>
#include <asm/arch/regs-gpio.h>
#include <asm/system.h>    
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <asm/irq.h>
#include <asm/ioctl.h>
#include <asm/unistd.h>
#include <asm/io.h>

#include "dev_gpio.h"
#include "s3c2410_timer.h"

#define PCLK                    66500000
#define TICKS_PER_SECOND        (PCLK/(255+1)/8)        //

#define ONE_SEC_CLK             (0xFFFF)                // 65535 ( TCNTBn ) - Maximuim interval
#define ONE_MSEC_CLK            (ONE_SEC_CLK/1000)
#define ONE_100USEC_CLK         ((ONE_SEC_CLK/10000)+1)
#define USE_TICK_PERIOD         ONE_100USEC_CLK

#define CALCU_TICK_FOR_USEC(x)  ( (x) / 100 )

#define TIMER_A_IRQ             IRQ_TIMER1

#define MAX_REQUEST             32
#define TIMER_USEC_SHIFT        16

#define        DEV_NAME        "dev-gpio"
#define        DEV_VERSION        DEV_NAME" V01"

// 타이머 큐 정보 구조체
typedef struct _mcutm_hdl {
        int          tick;                        // 시간계산 카운트
        void         *data;                        // 함수호출 인자
        void (*routin)( void *);        // 인터럽트에서 호출할 함수

        struct _mcutm_hdl *next;        // 현재 사용하지 않는다
} mcutm_hdl_t;

static mcutm_hdl_t        *mcutm_list;
static int reqcnt = 0;

static int showmsg = 0;
static int major   = DEV_MAJOR_DEF;

/* implementaion =============================================================*/

#define        reg_s2410(x)                        *(volatile unsigned long *)(x)
#define        set_GPIO_IN(reg, nr)                reg &= ~(3<<(nr)*2)
#define        set_GPIO_OUT(reg, nr)                reg &= ~(3<<(nr)*2); reg |= (1<<(nr)*2)

#define        GPIO_IN(reg,nr)                        (reg & (1<<(nr)) ? 1:0)
#define        GPIO_OUT(reg,nr,val)                reg &= ~(1<<(nr)); reg |= (val&0x1)<<(nr);  

  설 명 : 타이머를 설정한다.
  주 의 :
static void mcutm_reload( unsigned long  tick )
         unsigned long   tcon;

        // timer stop
        tcon  = __raw_readl(S3C2410_TCON);
        tcon &= ~(0xF<<8);      // Timer 1 =  8
        __raw_writel(tcon, S3C2410_TCON);

        // Timer 0 Count Buffer Register
        __raw_writel(tick, S3C2410_TCMPB(1));
        __raw_writel(tick, S3C2410_TCNTB(1));

        /* start the timer running */
        tcon |= S3C2410_TCON_T1MANUALUPD;
        __raw_writel(tcon, S3C2410_TCON);
        tcon &= ~(0xF<<8);
        tcon |= S3C2410_TCON_T1START;
        __raw_writel(tcon, S3C2410_TCON);
  설 명 : GPIO 입출력을 설정한다.
  주 의 :
void        hw_gp_init( void )
        set_GPIO_IN(  reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPFCON), 4 );
        set_GPIO_IN(  reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPFCON), 5 );
        set_GPIO_OUT( reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPFCON), 6 );
        set_GPIO_OUT( reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPFCON), 7 );

        // 내부 pull-up disable  7..4
        reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPFUP) |= 0x00;
        reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPBUP) |= 0x00;
        // F off
        GPIO_OUT( reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPFDAT), 6, 1 );
        GPIO_OUT( reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPFDAT), 7, 1 );

        // B off
        GPIO_OUT( reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPBDAT), 0, 1 );
        GPIO_OUT( reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPBDAT), 1, 1 );
        GPIO_OUT( reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPBDAT), 2, 1 );
        GPIO_OUT( reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPBDAT), 3, 1 );
        GPIO_OUT( reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPBDAT), 4, 1 );

  설 명 : GPIO 출력
  주 의 :
void        hw_gpf_out(int gpnr, int val )
        GPIO_OUT( reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPFDAT), gpnr, val );        

void        hw_gpb_out(int gpnr, int val)
        GPIO_OUT( reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPBDAT), gpnr, val );        

  설 명 : GPIO 입력
  주 의 :
int        hw_gpf_in(int gpnr )
        return GPIO_IN( reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPFCON), gpnr);

int        hw_gpb_in(int gpnr )
        return GPIO_IN( reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPBCON), gpnr);        

static irqreturn_t mcutm_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
        mcutm_hdl_t     *hdl = mcutm_list;
        int                    loop, mach;
        unsigned long   tcon;

        // Timer 정지
        tcon  = __raw_readl(S3C2410_TCON);
        tcon &= ~(S3C2410_TCON_T1START) | ~(S3C2410_TCON_T1RELOAD);
        __raw_writel(tcon, S3C2410_TCON);

        mach = reqcnt;
        for (loop=0; loop<MAX_REQUEST; loop++ )
                  if ( hdl->tick > 0 )
                        hdl->tick --;

                            if ( 0 == hdl->tick )
                                    if ( hdl->routin ) hdl->routin( hdl->data );

                                    reqcnt --;

                            mach --;
                            if ( mach <= 0 ) break;
                    hdl ++;

        if ( 0 < reqcnt )
                mcutm_reload( USE_TICK_PERIOD );

        return IRQ_HANDLED;
  설 명 : 핸들러를 등록한다.
  주 의 :
int         gpio_release( struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
        if (showmsg) printk(" %s CLOSEn", DEV_NAME );
        return 0;

int        mcutm_requset( unsigned int index, int usec, void (*routin)( void *), void *data )
        mcutm_hdl_t *hdl;
        unsigned long flags;

        if ( MAX_REQUEST <= index ) return -1;
        if ( usec <= 0 ) return -1;

        hdl = mcutm_list + index;

        hdl->tick   = CALCU_TICK_FOR_USEC(usec);
        hdl->data   = data;
        hdl->routin = routin;
        hdl->next   = NULL;


        reqcnt ++;

        if ( 1 == reqcnt )
                mcutm_reload( USE_TICK_PERIOD );


        return 0;

#define        TM_DEBUG        1


int  call_cnt = 0;
int count = 0;
static void debug_call( void *data )

        int        *cnt = (int *)data;

        *cnt ++;
        printk( "----test call %dn", *cnt );

        if(hw_gpb_in( 1 ))
                hw_gpb_out( 1,0 );
                hw_gpb_out( 1,1 );

        mcutm_requset( 1, 1000, debug_call, data );


int         gpio_open( struct inode *inode, struct file *filp )
        if (showmsg) printk(" %s OPENn", DEV_NAME );
        return 0;

  설 명 : 초기화
  주 의 :
//static void __init mcutm_init( void )
static struct file_operations gpio_fops =
        .open    = gpio_open,
        .release = gpio_release,
        //.ioctl   = gpio_ioctl,

static void mcutm_init( void )

        unsigned long tcon;
        unsigned long tcnt;
        unsigned long tcfg1;
        unsigned long tcfg0;

        major &= 0xff;

        if( !register_chrdev( major, DEV_NAME, &gpio_fops ) )  
                printk(" register device %s OK (major=%d)n", DEV_VERSION, major );
                printk(" unable to get major %d for %s n", major, DEV_NAME );
//                return -EBUSY;

        tcnt = 0xffff;  /* default value for tcnt */

        /* read the current timer configuration bits */

        tcon = __raw_readl(S3C2410_TCON);
        tcfg1 = __raw_readl(S3C2410_TCFG1);
        tcfg0 = __raw_readl(S3C2410_TCFG0);

        /* configure clock tick */
        tcfg1 &= ~S3C2410_TCFG1_MUX0_MASK;
        tcfg1 |=  S3C2410_TCFG1_MUX0_DIV4;

        tcfg0 &= ~S3C2410_TCFG_PRESCALER0_MASK;
        tcfg0 |=  S3C2410_TCFG_PRESCALER0_MASK;

        tcnt = USE_TICK_PERIOD;

        /* timers reload after counting zero, so reduce the count by 1 */

        /* check to see if timer is within 16bit range... */
        if (tcnt > 0xffff) {
                panic("setup_timer: HZ is too small, cannot configure timer!");
                return ;

        __raw_writel(tcfg1, S3C2410_TCFG1);
        __raw_writel(tcfg0, S3C2410_TCFG0);

        __raw_writel(tcnt, S3C2410_TCMPB(1));
        __raw_writel(tcnt, S3C2410_TCNTB(1));

        /* ensure timer is stopped... */
        tcon &= ~(0xF<<8);
        tcon |= S3C2410_TCON_T1MANUALUPD;
        __raw_writel(tcon, S3C2410_TCON);
        tcon &= ~(0xF<<8);      // One-shot, Inverter off, No operation, Stop
        __raw_writel(tcon, S3C2410_TCON);

        mcutm_list = kmalloc( sizeof(mcutm_hdl_t)*MAX_REQUEST, GFP_KERNEL );
        if ( !mcutm_list )
                printk( "%s : unable to get memoryn", __FILE__ );
                return ;

        memset( mcutm_list, 0, sizeof(mcutm_hdl_t)*MAX_REQUEST );

        if( request_irq( TIMER_A_IRQ, mcutm_interrupt, SA_INTERRUPT, "S3C2410 Timer#0 (falinux)", NULL ) )
                printk( "%s : unable to get IRQ %dn", __FILE__, TIMER_A_IRQ );
                return ;
        printk( "S3C2410 Timer#0 running (falinux)n" );


        mcutm_requset( 1, 1000, debug_call, (void *)&call_cnt );


  설 명 : 초기화
  주 의 :
static void mcutm_exit( void )
        free_irq( TIMER_A_IRQ, NULL );
        unregister_chrdev( major, DEV_NAME );
        printk(" unregister %s OKn", DEV_NAME );



MODULE_PARM(major  , "i");
MODULE_PARM(showmsg, "i");


/* end */


안녕하세요. 박진하 입니다.

아래에 소스를 첨부했는데요..

저번에 제공해주신 Timer 소스를 수정하여 PWM을 사용하려고 합니다.

위에서 작성한 소스중에서 잘못된 부분이 많은거 같은데요..gpio포트 b1을 출력으로 잡았습니다.

Timer1을 PWM으로 사용하는것이구요..

mcutm_init(); 이함수에서
                __raw_writel(tcfg1, S3C2410_TCFG1);
        __raw_writel(tcfg0, S3C2410_TCFG0);

        __raw_writel(tcnt, S3C2410_TCMPB(1));
        __raw_writel(tcnt, S3C2410_TCNTB(1));

이부분에서 PWM을 위해 더 설정해주어야 하는 부분은 없는지요..??

그리고         __raw_writel(tcnt, S3C2410_TCMPB(1)); << 이문법이 맞는지요..??

그리고  hw_gp_init(); 이 함수에서..

        // 내부 pull-up disable  7..4
        reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPBUP) |= 0x00;

        // B off
        GPIO_OUT( reg_s2410(S3C2410_GPBDAT), 1, 1 );

이렇게 gpio B1포트를 초기화 해주었는데요..

PWM을 출력하기 위해서

rege-gpio.h 헤더파일에서..

/* GPB is 10 IO pins, each configured by 2 bits each in GPBCON.
*   00 = input, 01 = output, 10=special function, 11=reserved
* bit 0,1 = pin 0, 2,3= pin 1...
* CPBUP = pull up resistor control, 1=disabled, 0=enabled

#define S3C2410_GPBCON           S3C2410_GPIOREG(0x10)
#define S3C2410_GPBDAT           S3C2410_GPIOREG(0x14)
#define S3C2410_GPBUP           S3C2410_GPIOREG(0x18)

/* no i/o pin in port b can have value 3! */

#define S3C2410_GPB0_INP     (0x00 << 0)
#define S3C2410_GPB0_OUTP    (0x01 << 0)
#define S3C2410_GPB0_TOUT0   (0x02 << 0)

여기 포트 레지스트 설정중에서 마지막에  define된

#define S3C2410_GPB0_TOUT0   (0x02 << 0)

이 설정은 어떻게 적용하는것인지.. 궁금합니다..

프로젝트가 급한것에 비해..임베디드 시스템을 자세하게 공부할 시간이 많이 부족하네요..

자꾸 부담드리는거 같아서 죄송스럽지만..그래도 부탁드리겠습니다.

조금 자세하게 읽어 주시고 답글 달아주세요..

웹 찾아볼곳은 다 찾아보고..참고할 만한 소스도 다 참고해서 공부하는데도..어렵네요..

바쁘신데 수고많으십니다..좋은하루 보내세요 ^_^;;