사운드재생 도와주세요
ez-1200 보드 구매자입니다.

[root@falinux au1200]$ ls -al /dev/*dsp
crw-rw-rw-    1 root     root      14,   3 Jun 19  2008 /dev/dsp
crw-rw-rw-    1 root     root      14,   3 Jun 19  2008 /dev/sound_dsp

[root@falinux au1200]$ ./smixer -f smixer.conf

[root@falinux au1200]$ ./mplayer -ac mad /mnt/usb/video/h480272.avi
MPlayer 1.0rc2-3.4.4 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team

Playing /mnt/usb/video/h480272.avi.
AVI file format detected.
[aviheader] Video stream found, -vid 0
[aviheader] Audio stream found, -aid 1
VIDEO:  [DIVX]  480x272  24bpp  15.000 fps  150.1 kbps (18.3 kbyte/s)
Clip info:
 Software: MEncoder dev-SVN-r24815-3.4.4
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
Selected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)
Forced audio codec: mad
Requested audio codec family [mad] (afm=libmad) not available.
Enable it at compilation.
Cannot find codec for audio format 0x55.
Read DOCS/HTML/en/codecs.html!
Audio: no sound
Starting playback...
VDec: vo config request - 480 x 272 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12)
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
Opening video filter: [scale]
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.76:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
[swscaler @ 0x10046c10]No accelerated colorspace conversion found
[swscaler @ 0x10046c10]SwScaler: using unscaled yuv420p -> bgr565 special converter
VO: [fbdev] 480x272 => 480x272 BGR 16-bit
V:   2.6  40/ 40 29%  2%  0.0% 0 0         

동영상은 잘 보이나 음성이 재생되지 않습니다.

smixer.conf 파일은 다음입니다

# smixer input file                                                 
# These values are for my Soundblaster Live!, you will need to modify
# which lines are used or not                                       
# set volumes                                                       
vol  Vol   88                                                       
vol  Bass  88                                                       
vol  Trebl  88                                                      
#vol Synth  88                                                   
vol  Pcm   88                                                       
vol  Spkr  88                                                      
vol  Line  88                                                       
vol  Mic   0                                                      
vol  CD   0                                                         
#vol Mix   88                                                        
#vol Pcm2  88                                                       
#vol Rec   0                                                        
vol  IGain  88                                                     
#vol OGain  88                                                      
vol  Line1  88                                                     
#vol Line2  100                                                     
#vol Line3  100                                                     
#vol Digital1 0                                                     
#vol Digital2 100                                                   
#vol Digital3 0                                                     
vol  PhoneIn  0                                                     
vol  PhoneOut 88                                                   
#vol Video  0                                                       
#vol Radio  0                                                       
#vol Monitor  0                                                     
# set recording source                                              
recsrc Mic                                                          
사운드재생 도와주세요.