개발자 노트
글 수 126
2015.07.13 19:11:53 (*.134.169.166)
델파이에서 Indy 컴퍼넌트 중 idMessage와 idSMTP를 이용하면
메일을 간단히 전송할 수 있습니다.
procedure TfrmMain.SendMail; begin with IdMessage do begin From.Text := 'from@falinux.com'; ReplyTo.EMailAddresses := 'replyto@falinux.com'; Recipients.EMailAddresses := 'recipients@falinux.com'; Subject := 'subject'; Priority := TIdMessagePriority(mpNormal); Body.Text := 'Body Text' CCList.EMailAddresses := ''; {CC} BccList.EMailAddresses := ''; {BBC} end; with IdSMTP do begin {Identifies the program that created a message} MailAgent := 'MTU1.0'; {authentication settings} AuthenticationType := atLogin; UserName := 'user_name'; Password := 'passwd'; Host := 'falinux.com'; Port := 25; {now we send the message} Connect; try Send(IdMessage); finally Disconnect; IdSMTP.Destroy; end; end; end;