와우리눅스 7.1에서 했구요.
시키는대로 했는데 마지막에 보시면 lib파일이 안생기내요.
전문 보냅니다 뭐가 잘못되었을까요..
= root/.bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs




[root@localhost /root]# cd $QTDIR
[root@localhost qt-2.3.7]# pwd
[root@localhost qt-2.3.7]# cd configs
[root@localhost configs]# ls linux-arm*
linux-arm-g++-shared linux-arm-g++-static linux-armv5l-g++-
shared linux-armv5l-g++-static
linux-arm-g++-shared-debug linux-arm-g++-static-debug linux-armv5l-g++-
shared-debug linux-armv5l-g++-static-debug
[root@localhost configs]# cd ..
[root@localhost qt-2.3.7]# ./configure -xplatform linux-armv5l-g++ -
shared -gif

This is the Qt/Embedded Free Edition.

You are licensed to use this software under the terms of
the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Type 'G' to view the GNU General Public License.
Type 'yes' to accept this license offer.
Type 'no' to decline this license offer.

Do you accept the terms of the license?

Choose a feature configuration:

1. Minimal (630 kB)
2. Small (960 kB)
3. Medium (1.5 MB)
4. Large (3 MB)
5. Everything (5 MB)
6. Your own local configuration (src/tools/qconfig-local.h)

Sizes are stripped dynamic 80386 build. Static builds are smaller.

Your choice (default 5):

Choose a feature configuration:

1. Minimal (630 kB)
2. Small (960 kB)
3. Medium (1.5 MB)
4. Large (3 MB)
5. Everything (5 MB)
6. Your own local configuration (src/tools/qconfig-local.h)

Sizes are stripped dynamic 80386 build. Static builds are smaller.

Your choice (default 5):

Choose pixel-depths to support:

v. VGA-16 - also enables 8bpp
4. 4bpp grayscale - also enables 8bpp
8. 8bpp
16. 16bpp
24. 24bpp - also enables 32bpp
32. 32bpp

Each depth adds around 100Kb on 80386.

Your choices (default 8,16):

Enable Qt Virtual Framebuffer support for development on X11 (default

Building on: linux-x86-g++-shared
Building for: linux-armv5l-g++-shared

Thread support..................... no
GIF support........................ yes
MNG support........................ no
JPEG support....................... no

Creating makefiles...
Qt is now configured for building. Just run make.
To reconfigure, run make clean and configure.

[root@localhost qt-2.3.7]# make
make[1]: 들어감 `/project/qt/src/qt-2.3.7' 디렉토리
cd src/moc; make
make[2]: 들어감 `/project/qt/src/qt-2.3.7/src/moc' 디렉토리
g++ -c -I/project/qt/src/qt-2.3.7/include -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -
pipe -DQWS -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -O2 -fno-default-inline -Wall -W -
DNO_DEBUG -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -I../../include -I../tools -
I. -o mocgen.o mocgen.cpp
y.tab.c: In function `int yyparse ()':
y.tab.c:3126: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as
truth value
y.tab.c:3174: warning: label `yyerrlab' defined but not used
y.tab.c:3169: warning: label `yynewerror' defined but not used
/project/qt/src/qt-2.3.7/include/qlist.h: At top level:
mocgen.cpp:3: warning: `char yysccsid[36]' defined but not used
g++ -c -I/project/qt/src/qt-2.3.7/include -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -
pipe -DQWS -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -O2 -fno-default-inline -Wall -W -
DNO_DEBUG -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -I../../include -I../tools -
I. -o qbuffer.o ../tools/qbuffer.cpp
g++ -c -I/project/qt/src/qt-2.3.7/include -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -
pipe -DQWS -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -O2 -fno-default-inline -Wall -W -
DNO_DEBUG -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -I../../include -I../tools -
I. -o qcollection.o ../tools/qcollection.cpp
g++ -c -I/project/qt/src/qt-2.3.7/include -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -
pipe -DQWS -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -O2 -fno-default-inline -Wall -W -
DNO_DEBUG -DQT_NO_CODECS -DQT_LITE_UNICODE -I../../include -I../tools -
I. -o qcstring.o ../tools/qcstring.cpp


messagebox.o dialogs/qprogressdialog.o dialogs/qtabdialog.o
dialogs/qwizard.o iconview/qiconview.o workspace/qworkspace.o
network/qdns.o network/qftp.o network/qhostaddress.o network/qnetwork.o
network/qserversocket.o network/qsocket.o network/qsocketdevice.o
network/qsocketdevice_unix.o canvas/qcanvas.o table/qtable.o xml/qxml.o
xml/qdom.o -L/usr/armv5l-linux/lib && mv libqte.so.2.3.7 ../lib/;
cd ../lib/ && rm -f libqte.so libqte.so.2 libqte.so.2.3; ln -s
libqte.so.2.3.7 libqte.so; ln -s libqte.so.2.3.7 libqte.so.2; ln -s
libqte.so.2.3.7 libqte.so.2.3
cannot find -lgcc_s
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: 나감 `/project/qt/src/qt-2.3.7/src' 디렉토리
cd tools; make
make[2]: 들어감 `/project/qt/src/qt-2.3.7/tools' 디렉토리
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[2]: 나감 `/project/qt/src/qt-2.3.7/tools' 디렉토리

The Qt library is now built in ./lib
The Qt examples are built in the directories in ./examples
The Qt tutorials are built in the directories in ./tutorial

Note: be sure to set $QTDIR to point to here or to wherever
you move these directories.

Enjoy! - the Trolltech team

make[1]: 나감 `/project/qt/src/qt-2.3.7' 디렉토리
[root@localhost qt-2.3.7]# cd lib
[root@localhost lib]# ls -al
합계 10
drwxr-xr-x 3 518 519 168 10월 25 15:25 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 518 519 824 10월 25 14:58 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 518 519 8072 7월 17 10:20 fonts
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 10월 25 15:25 libqte.so ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 10월 25 15:25 libqte.so.2 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 10월 25 15:25 libqte.so.2.3 -
> libqte.so.2.3.7