흠.. prinf.c 에
puts와 putchar를 만들어줘서 해결했습니다.
putchar 는 putc를 그냥 복사해서 쓰고
puts 는 SerialOutStr_CheckCR 요걸로 출력하게 해줬습니다..

오류는 대충 해결했지만...
소스에서 사용되지도 않은 puts와 putchar는 왜 찾는지 모르겠군요..희한하네

김석만 wrote..
: gcc 3.3과 커널 2.4.21 로 m01에서 쓸 툴체인을 만들고
: 커널 컴파일을 하면서 mach-types을 200이 아닌 다른걸로 정해서
: ezboot를 수정하려고
: ezboot를 컴파일 하는데.. 다음과 같은 에러가 뜨는군요...
: arm-linux-gcc -O2 -Wall -march=armv4 -mtune=strongarm1100 -fomit- frame-pointer -mapcs-32 -nostdinc -I. -I/root/ezboard/ezboot/include -
static -nostdlib -Wl,-T,./main-ld-script -o main-elf32 entry.o main.o
serial.o time.o gpio.o flash.o intel_flash.o cs8900.o bootp_cmd.o net.o
tftp_cmd.o go_cmd.o config.o zmodem.o ram_cmd.o zmodem_cmd.o flash_cmd.o
caches.o printf.o vsprintf.o vscanf.o string.o -lgcc -I. -
: main.o(.text+0x8): In function `Soft_Reset':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: main.o(.text+0x48): In function `HelpList':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: main.o(.text+0xd0): In function `HelpList':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: main.o(.text+0x120): In function `HelpItem':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: main.o(.text+0x1c8): In function `main':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: main.o(.text+0x1d0): more undefined references to `puts' follow
: main.o(.text+0x2a8): In function `main':
: : undefined reference to `putchar'
: main.o(.text+0x324): In function `main':
: : undefined reference to `putchar'
: main.o(.text+0x330): In function `main':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: intel_flash.o(.text+0x2f4): In function `iflash_erase':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: intel_flash.o(.text+0x30c): In function `iflash_erase':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: intel_flash.o(.text+0x450): In function `iflash_write':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: cs8900.o(.text+0xc0): In function `CS8900_Transmit':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: cs8900.o(.text+0x1ac): more undefined references to `puts' follow
: config.o(.text+0x1a0): In function `GetMacAddress':
: : undefined reference to `putchar'
: config.o(.text+0x244): In function `GetIPAddress':
: : undefined reference to `putchar'
: config.o(.text+0x31c): In function `GetFileName':
: : undefined reference to `putchar'
: config.o(.text+0x370): In function `GetAddress':
: : undefined reference to `putchar'
: config.o(.text+0x3e4): In function `GetMenuKey':
: : undefined reference to `putchar'
: config.o(.text+0x448): more undefined references to `putchar' follow
: config.o(.text+0x4ec): In function `ModifyCfg':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: config.o(.text+0x64c): In function `ModifyCfg':
: : undefined reference to `putchar'
: config.o(.text+0x7bc): In function `ModifyCfg':
: : undefined reference to `putchar'
: config.o(.text+0x8a4): In function `ModifyCfg':
: : undefined reference to `putchar'
: ram_cmd.o(.text+0x68): In function `MemoryHexDump':
: : undefined reference to `putchar'
: ram_cmd.o(.text+0xa0): In function `MemoryHexDump':
: : undefined reference to `putch: undefined reference to `puts'
: ram_cmd.o(.text+0x1f4): In function `RamWriteChar':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: ram_cmd.o(.text+0x268): In function `RamWriteWord':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: ram_cmd.o(.text+0x2dc): In function `RamWriteLong':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: zmodem_cmd.o(.text+0x8c): In function `ZModem_Memory':
: : undefined reference to `puts'
: zmodem_cmd.o(.text+0x94): more undefined references to `puts' follow
: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
: make[1]: *** [main-elf32] 오류 1
: make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/ezboard/ezboot/main'
: make: *** [all] 오류 2
: 툴체인을 잘못 만든걸까요? 링크에러 같은데... ezboot 소스를 둘러봐도 puts나 putchar를 쓴 곳은 없는거 같은데요..
: 뭐가 문제일까요??