CENTOS 5.4 설치하였구요



VNC 를 설치를 하였습니다.

출력메시지에 OK 라는 메시지가 나와서


즐거운 마음으로 윈도우에서 접속을 하려 했으나

unable to connect to host:Connection refused(10061)

이라는 메시지로 저를 좌절 시켰습니다.


# vncserver 를 실행하여

패스워드를 지정하였구요


# service vncserver start 와

# service vncserver stop 을 해가 면서

테스트를 하였는데도 안되네요....

수많은 검색을 하였으나 해결을 못하였습니다...ㅠ

 도움이 필요 합니다...ㅠㅠ


*참고로 방화벽은 전부 비활성화로 하였습니다.(포트도 적어두긴 했습니다만..;;)



/etc/sysconfig/vncservers 파일은

# The VNCSERVERS variable is a list of display:user pairs.
# Uncomment the lines below to start a VNC server on display :2
# as my 'myusername' (adjust this to your own).  You will also
# need to set a VNC password; run 'man vncpasswd' to see how
# to do that. 
# DO NOT RUN THIS SERVICE if your local area network is
# untrusted!  For a secure way of using VNC, see
# <URL:http://www.uk.research.att.com/archive/vnc/sshvnc.html>.

# Use "-nolisten tcp" to prevent X connections to your VNC server via TCP.

# Use "-nohttpd" to prevent web-based VNC clients connecting.

# Use "-localhost" to prevent remote VNC clients connecting except when
# doing so through a secure tunnel.  See the "-via" option in the
# `man vncviewer' manual page.

VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 800x600 -nolisten tcp -nohttpd"
이렇게 하였구요


/root/.vnc/xstartup 파일은


# Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:
exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc

[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
vncconfig -iconic &
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
twm &

요렇게  되어있습니다.


마지막으로 로그 파일을 보면


Xvnc Free Edition 4.1.2
Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd.
See http://www.realvnc.com for information on VNC.
Underlying X server release 70101000, The X.Org Foundation

Tue Feb 23 13:03:59 2010
 vncext:      VNC extension running!
 vncext:      Listening for VNC connections on port 5901
 vncext:      created VNC server for screen 0
localuser:root being added to access control list
사용자 'root'에 대한 프로파일이 없습니다
Launching a SCIM process with x11...
Loading socket Config module ...
Creating backend ...
Loading x11 FrontEnd module ...
GTK Panel of SCIM 1.4.4

Starting SCIM as daemon ...
SCIM has been successfully launched.
Smart Common Input Method 1.4.4

창 관리자 주의: Log level 32: could not find XKB extension.
Initializing nautilus-open-terminal extension
Passkey agent registration failed: Passkey agent already exists
** Message: Could not connect to power manager: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.PowerManager': no such name

** (eggcups:3768): WARNING **: IPP request failed with status 1030

** (eggcups:3768): WARNING **: IPP request failed with status 1030

** (nm-applet:3805): WARNING **: <WARN>  applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service as it is already taken.  Return: 3

Introspect error: The name edu.duke.linux.yum was not provided by any .service files
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/puplet", line 467, in ?
  File "/usr/bin/puplet", line 464, in main
  File "/usr/bin/puplet", line 451, in run
  File "/usr/bin/puplet", line 191, in _refreshInfo
    if self.updatesObject is not None and \
AttributeError: DBusException instance has no attribute '_dbus_error_name'

요렇게 뜹니다. 뭐가 문제일까요?...ㅠ